Phipps gave "koans" to summarize the Zen of open source, saying that open source is about "altruism without sacrifice," "licensing without lawyers," "controlling the community without control," and "staying because I have the freedom to leave."Phipps是Sun的Open Source發言代表,最近Sun對開源碼界頻頻示好,用了"koans"這個中文有「佛心」、「以心傳心」的字眼來解示開源碼的精神。聽起來似乎是頗有道理,但讓我想起電視上的全民大悶鍋中"芒果亂報",狗仔大頭目黎老總每次說要爆人八卦,就要對下屬說:「我們是佛心來著的~~」,但是心裡卻是為了報紙的業績吧。Sun該不會也是這種心態吧??所以我覺得把開源碼和禪的境界扯在一起,是有點太跨張,沒那麼高尚,還是linux大大托瓦茲的說法:「Just for fun!(就是爽)」或「Software is like sex: it's better when it's free(軟體就像性一樣,自由的比較好)」比較貼近人性。
Lefkowitz started with various humorous metaphors that could be used, comparing open source to a tomato. He eventually settled into a discussion of "how much open source is healthy?"
Just as people need to eat a certain amount of fruits and vegetables every day, Lefkowitz says that we need to decide just how much open source is necessary and healthy for us -- and, as a side discussion, when is someone using open source? Are you using open source, for example, just by browsing the Web, since most of the servers on the Web are Apache servers? (Or, is ketchup really a vegetable, since it contains tomatoes, and the Reagan administration tried to classify ketchup as a vegetable?)